Sunday, June 28, 2009

Red Herrings

Argento movies are generally smart enough to play around with the red herring aspect so crucial to murder mysteries. People accustomed to how the cliched idea of a red herring works, might be thrown off and think, well it's too obvious this guy's the murderer so it really isnt him. Then start following false clues that point to another red herring. This was the case in Black Christmas, with Peter, the piano student, and it turned out he wasnt the killer.

In Sleepless, there's an object that the killer drops at one murder scene then it's revealed in another that a character is missing said object. So as an observer we think, hmm, is this missing object a sign that one of the characters in the current scene is the killer or just planted disinformation to throw the observer off? Turns out the object was a clear-cut clue to killer's identity.

When the red herring theme works well, the watcher, reader, is kept off balance. It also helps if there is an interesting story behind everything, well-drawn characters, well-placed clues.

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