Wednesday, June 24, 2009

42 Miles to Omaha

Being uncertain is a bitch. I need to be alone for awhile.

Then I woke up, and I was the last living human on earth, somewhere in middle America. And I loved it.

This lasted for 70 years.. without human hosts contagious diseases went into the deep freeze. I developed a strange habit of digging up graves and having tea parties with decomposed chaps, but other than that, I didnt miss a damn thing about the human race. I took up residence in the biggest library I could find in a city formerly known as Omaha. But I also travelled a lot. The roads were pretty safe. I set fire to Peoria Illinois just for kicks. Somehow I was always drawn back to Omaha.

I woke up again and I was in a pasture next to a highway. I watched cars zoom by all day. There was a sign on the highway and it said, 42 miles to Omaha...

It took me literally all the flaming day to realize, I was a cow.

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