Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Few Good Trees

Trees have always spooked me, from the one I fell out of when I was a kid, (or was I pushed?), to the Talking Apple trees in the Wizard of Oz that, like myself, have trouble taking criticism, to the huge Oak that just decided to tumble to earth and tore off our entire porch and nearly smashed my car to hell one suprisingly calm unstormy afternoon. I live in Eastern Tennessee, and trees are everywhere, a claustrophobic density of them. Here are a few pictures of trees I have taken while hiking: (and Ill add more, from my private stash and from the net as I come to them)


  1. One fine Easter morning I got of a long twenty hour shift in time to watch the sun rise. When I got home there were a lot of people sleeping on every bed, couch, and floor spot at my house that had come from out of town to visit my roommate. I knew none of them so I did the polite thing and went outside to build a bonfire and pound a bottle of whisky. My only clear memory was of my neighbor asking me to go inside while their grandkids had their Easter egg hunt. I wasn’t going to argue with my neighbors because they were good to put up with all of my shit. I couldn’t go inside so I walked into the woods by my house with my lyric book I had been working on. The next day I found a poem about trees I wrote but didn’t remember. I thought it was good, but I put it away and haven’t looked at it since. I’ll try to find it and post it for you because you’re the only person I know who appreciates poetry, but I’m sure it’s bad not only because I wrote it but because eI was shit faced when I did.

  2. Ive taken my beatings over my poetry from high n low.. I have several fat folders of shit, and maybe 10 good ones out of that. However, being a poet and having words to back it up does help a horny man get laid. I think if what you wrote comes from multiple angles of thought and feeling about a specific event, its probably well spent ink n paper.. but Im fairly forgiving, for most humans.
